Image API

Image API

Request Format{identifier}/{region}/{size}/{rotation}/{quality}.{format}

The Image API is a web service that returns an image in response to a standard HTTP request. The URI can specify the region, size, rotation, quality characteristics and format of the requested image.

The region specification of an image formats a portion of a digital image to be returned to the browser.

The Image API can be adopted by any image repository or service, and can be used to retrieve static images in response to a properly constructed URI.


Parameter Description
identifier The identifier of the digital page you want to access, In the manifest API, it is represented by images-> @id
region The area of the image you want to get
  • Full – to get the whole image at the output
  • x,y,w,h - Starting point according to pixels (x, y), and from it a selected area in pixels (w, h)
size The dimensions of the image you want to get (width, height)
rotation Rotate the image (degrees) clockwise (0,90,180,270);
Rotate and mirror the image (degrees) clockwise (0!, 90!, !180,!270)
Quality The image is returned in full color (default) or grayscale color (grey)
format Image file format. Currently, only JPEG format is supported

Note: A full URI of the Image API to access the image is available within the Manifest when this parameter is specified, and holds all the parameters above. The URI is stored under images-> resource-> @id

Secondary Usage:{DOCID}/manifest

Parameter Description
Identifier The Identifier (Primo DOCID) of the record. (Exists, if an item is indexed by Primo system) In Search API output, it is defined as Identifier.


Example (by DOCID)


@context: "",
@id: "",
@type: "sc:Manifest",
logo: [
label: "כתובה. ירושלים, ישראל. תר"ך.",
metadata: [
label: "Title",
value: "כתובה. ירושלים, ישראל. תר"ך."
label: "Contributor",
value: "בן שמעון, רפאל אהרן בן דוד, 1848-1928 ((חתן)) $$Qבן שמעון, רפאל אהרן בן דוד, 1848-1928 בן וליד, אסתר בת יצחק ((כלה)) $$Qבן וליד, אסתר בת יצחק חרוש, אברהם בן יצחק, נפטר 1871 ((עד)) $$Qחרוש, אברהם בן יצחק, נפטר 1871 שרביט, מכלוף ((עד)) $$Qשרביט, מכלוף"
label: "Publisher",
value: "ירושלם"
label: "Base",
value: "972NNL_INST"
label: "Source",
value: "The National Library of Israel"
label: "Doc Id",
value: "NNL_ALEPH11357291990005171"
label: "Creation Date",
value: "יא באלול תר"כ (1860)"
label: "Type",
value: "manuscript"
label: "Format",
value: "1 דף ; 640X560 מ"מ.; נייר"
label: "Language",
value: "heb"
label: "Alternative Title",
value: "Ketubbah. Jerusalem, Israel. 1860"
label: "SysNum",
value: "11357291990005171"
sequences: [
@id: "",
@type: "sc:Sequence",
label: "[כתובה. ירושלים, ארץ ישראל, תר"ך]",
canvases: [
@id: "",
@type: "sc:Canvas",
label: "ketubba",
width: 5820,
height: 6993,
images: [
@id: "FL58252370",
@type: "oa:Annotation",
motivation: "sc:painting",
on: "",
resource: {
@id: "",
@type: "dctypes:Image",
label: "ketubba",
format: "image/jpeg;",
service: {
@context: "",
@id: "",
label: "ketubba",
profile: ""
height: 6993,
width: 5820
structures: [
@id: "REP58252369",
@type: "sc:Range",
label: "REP58252369",
members: [
@id: "",
@type: "sc:Canvas",
label: "ketubba"
related: "",
viewingHint: "paged"